less than 1 minute read

I’m now testing in my house the Tuya ZY-M100 radar presence sensor. You can find that online from several different vendors from platforms like Aliexpress.

So far I found this sensor to be in a really good spot:

  • it’s really cheap (11€ roughly); but you will need to add some kind of mounting bracket, like this one which adds few more euros

  • it’s quite fast in the OFF->ON transition which is important if you want to e.g. use this presence sensor to activate lights on staircases or corridors or similar crossing points.

  • the Zigbee version works completely off-the-cloud, locally. If you use HomeAssistant and the ZHA integration for Zigbee devices you will need this quirk

I also have as presence sensors:

  • Aqara FP2
  • Everything Presence Lite and I can say that this Tuya sensor is faster in the OFF->ON transition in comparison to both the Aqara and the Everything Presence sensors (which are more complex devices supporting zones).

Hope this will be useful to you, if you’re looking for a simple (no zone) presence sensor!